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AMILES is a comprehensive registry that focuses on collecting and storing data from institutions in North America regarding minimally invasive liver resections. This database encompasses both retrospective and prospective cases and employs Castor's electronic data capture (EDC) system for data collection and storage.

The Americas Minimally Invasive Liver Resection Database (AMILES)

If you are interested in joining the AMILES project, there are several essential steps and forms to be completed:


1) To initiate your participation in the AMILES project, you will need to obtain approval for the Liver/Pancreas Combined Institutional Review Board (IRB) form, the Project Proposal, and the Liver/Pancreas Data Sharing Agreement (DSA). 


2) Once you have obtained the necessary approvals, you should email Dr. Jane Wang at or Dr. Amir Ashraf Ganjouei at to request access to the AMILES database and set up your account. 


3) Upload Data:

   a) Complete Castor Academy Modules: Before uploading your data, it is recommended to complete the Castor Academy modules. 


   b) Import Retrospective Excel Data: You will need to import your retrospective data from "AMILES Data Templates" provided in the "Entering Data" page. Ensure that all variables are correctly entered according to the data dictionary to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the data.


   c) Continue Prospective Uploads: After completing the retrospective data upload, you should continue uploading prospective data as you collect it through Castor. This ongoing process helps ensure that the AMILES database remains updated with the latest information.


For research projects utilizing the AMILES database, it is necessary to submit a research proposal. The proposal should be a concise 1-page document that includes the following elements: background, objective, hypothesis, clear proposals of primary and secondary outcomes, study sites requested/involved and dissemination/publication plan.

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